An Introduction to the Next Big Thing: Parallel Computing
MPP, SMP, clustered SMP, NUMA, data parallelism, sharednothing and shared-everything architectures. Can you explain these buzzwords? You should be able to, because there’s a paradigm shift coming. It is proven technology today to combine dozens or hundreds of CPUs together to build a supercomputer, and many companies are using them to host Decision Support Systems that exploit multi-terabyte data warehouses. However, largely because SAS Software exists in the “sequential” world (with the exception of SPDS), most users have never had to become familiar with parallel computing. Things are changing fast, though. Thirdparty software has recently become available to allow parts of SAS to execute in parallel, and the SAS Institute is working diligently on developing its own native parallel capability. This paper presents an overview of parallel computing concepts, terminology, and architectures with a goal of providing SAS users with a working familiarity of the subject. The paper is organized into sections on parallel processing in general, then parallel hardware architectures, followed by parallel software architectures. Users working with very large databases, data warehouses, and data marts may find this paper immediately useful. 'LVFODLPHU 7KH YLHZV DQG RSLQLRQV H[SUHVVHG KHUH DUH WKRVH RI WKH DXWKRU DQG QRW WKRVH RI )LUVW 8QLRQ 1DWLRQDO %DQN )LUVW 8QLRQ 1DWLRQDO %DQN GRHV QRW HQGRUVH UHFRPPHQG RU SURPRWH DQ\ RI WKH FRPSXWLQJ DUFKLWHFWXUHV SODWIRUPV RU SURGXFWV UHIHUHQFHG LQ WKLV SDSHU
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